
A total of almost 4000 inhabitants for 490 meters of altitude. From the hill on which it stands, Guiglia dominates the whole province of Modena, giving a bird's eye view of the hills and the plain below. Not surprisingly, it is called "the balcony of Emilia". It is presumed that the town of Guiglia has remote origins, but the first document attesting it is dated 890. Later, its Castle falls within the possessions of Matilde di Canossa and then it being disputed between Bologna and Modena.

Among the different lords who dominate Guiglia there are also the Pio da Carpi, who get it in 1405, and the Montecuccoli, which hold it from 1630 until the end of the '700 making it their summer residence. In the Village and its surroundings there are various testimonies of the past: among these, the sixteenth-century Tower of the Public, an integral part of the Castle. The surrounding area is instead very remarkable from the point of view of the landscape and includes the Regional Park of the Sassi di Roccamalatina.

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of the Town of Guiglia!

 mappa guiglia


Castello di Guiglia, Terre di Castelli

La sontuosa residenza estiva dei marchesi Montecuccoli

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In piccola borgata residenziale nel Comune di Guiglia

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Un antico Castello in posizione panoramica con vista sui Sassi di Roccamalatina

Un antico Castello in posizione panoramica con vista sui Sassi di Roccamalatina

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Un antico Borgo arroccato e un Mulino con le macine originali

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Borghi storici con vista su valli e colline

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Vivi la natura di Marano, Guiglia e Zocca. Un parco naturale ricco di flora e fauna, con guglie di arenaria che spiccano sul paesaggio

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Un'antica Pieve romanica nel cuore dell'Appennino modenese


500 koine

Fattoria Koinè is a place of production, training, and enjoyment. It is a place where making art. 

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The real Ancestral Method, high altitude vines, organic and vegan wines.

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Fattoria Koinè is a place of production, training, and enjoyment. It is a place where making art.

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B&B Rose in collina is a homestead surrounded by meadows, woods and a stunning garden with hundreds of heritage roses, some of which are very rare. In addition to the accommodation service, it also offers a multi-sensory experience.