Chiosco La Quiete


La Quiete is a kiosk inside the Parco dei Sassi di Roccamalatina, right at the foot of the Sassi

The kiosk offers crescentine, gnocco fritto, piadine, homemade sweets and ice-cream and bar service. At La Quiete it is possible to have lunch or dinner, have a snack and sunbathe in the garden near the waterfall.

The outdoor space is the perfect place where spending a family day or a nice summer night under the stars. Parties and events can be organized as well as musical evenings in summer.

The kiosk is easy to reach and a parking area and free Wi-fi are available. It is open from March to November every day except for Monday; it is recommended to book, particularly on the weekend. It is possible to pay by credit cards or debit cards, too.


holder cassanello

Agriturismo Cassanello is located in a flat area that overhangs the river Rio delle Vallecchie, with a wonderful view of Sassi di Roccamalatina

Agriturismo Cassanello is located in a flat area that overhangs the river Rio delle Vallecchie, with a wonderful view of Sassi di Roccamalatina

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Apicoltura Amorati is a young and dinamic company, situated in Roccamalatina, in the territory of Guiglia, at the edges of the Regional Park of Sassi di Roccamalatina

Apicoltura Amorati is a young and dinamic company, situated in Roccamalatina, in the territory of Guiglia, at the edges of the Regional Park of Sassi di Roccamalatina

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