Azienda Vinicola Poggio Murazzo


The company is located in an enchanting natural frame in Villabianca and produces excellent fermented wine in bottle

The farm was born from family Bergonzini's life project. Despite this family does not come from a rural tradition, it has managed to create a company thanks to the bond with its own land, the love for nature and the valorization of ancient flavours. It is located on a knoll, at 320 metres of altitude, and in the typical hilly area of Villabianca, in a favourable environment thanks to which the vine finds the perfect conditions to produce the best grapes. It is also situated 10 minutes from the city world but quite far away from the stress, the frantic rhythms and the growing urbanization of the territory. This special position gives a 360° vision on an enchanting natural frame among Panaro's Valley, Monte Cimone, the badlands and the tower in Denzano.

The company produces wines including dry and sweetMalvasia, Pinot, Chardonnay, Lambrusco and Barbera, all strictly fermented in bottle.

A limited production and a great pride is Terpenico, a “passito” (straw wine) aged no less than two years in oak wood barrels.

It is possible to have visits and tastings by appointment and the direct sales.

useful information

Sono previste visite e degustazioni su appuntamento e vendita diretta al pubblico.

Attention Each bottle tells the passion of Azienda Vinicola Poggio Murazzo on its label



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