Il cuore di Marano sul Panaro, dove verde, acqua ed edifici storici si incontrano
Matteotti Piazza lies at the heart of the historic village of Marano sul Panaro. The village is bordered by buildings which look onto the piazza, one of which is the Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Lorenzo and the Antico Mulino Montecuccoli which today houses the Museo Civico di Ecologia and the Museo delle Energie.
Matteotti Piazza was restored in 1990. The paving was renovated, the facades were refurbished and the piazza was completely pedestrianised. The overarching theme of the restoration work concentrated on the ideas of “water” and “green”. The first is connected with the Montecuccoli Canal which runs under the old mill and fountain ("La Grama"). The second is associated with a great oak tree, located in the middle of the piazza which assumes a monumental character and symbolises the strong connection between the natural and man-made environment.