La chiesa del Cristo Nero e della Madonna delle Grazie, storicamente venerati dalla popolazione
The Parish Church of San Lorenzo overlooks Piazza Matteotti, the heart of the historic centre of Marano. The facade, completed in 1913, has two alcoves with the statues of San Lorenzo and San Rocco, patron saints of the two ancient churches of Marano which are no longer in existence. The Campanile, with its square plan, dates back to 1810.
Inside the church, there is a fresco from the 1400s depicting Madonna delle Grazie or del Trebbo, an image worshipped by the locals. The Virgin is depicted giving a rose to Jesus. The flower, of great symbolic value, signifies the soft beauty of the Mother of God. In the background of the fresco, the regal dimension of the Virgin is reinforced with fabrics edged with Arabic letters and depictions of the stars, in this way like the appearance of the Madonna herself, enriched with delicate drapery.
Another piece to be found inside the church is il Cristo Nero, which dates back to the mid 1400s. The scupture arrived at the church in 1797 when the Provost of Marano, suppressed by religious orders of Napoleon, took it from the Chiesa degli Scalzi di Modena. The Crucifix, carved in olive wood and covered with a dark veneer, was immediately given the name of “Cristo Nero” by the people of Marano. It soon became an object of veneration, considered to be miraculous. Even today, every seven years, a big festival is celebrated in its honour. A recent restoration project brought its original veneer back to life and allows it to be appreciated in all its dramatic power.
In the sacristy, there is a painting by Adeodato Malatesta, depicting S. Lorenzo and chosen as a processional banner by the parish. There is also a rich collection of holy vestments and furnishings, some dating back to the beginning of the 1700s.