The pig monument


Un maialino in bronzo che corre nel cuore del paese

The pig monument was inaugurated on 14 December 1997 in Castelnuovo Rangone. Created by Kee Sansen and situated between the Tower and the Church of San Celestino, the small bronze statue depicts the animal-symbol of the economy of Castelnuovo.

The pig monument was donated by the Ente Esportazioni Carni Olandese (Dutch Meat Export Company) as a sign of recognition for the quality of the work and the commitment of the many companies of Castelnuovo in processing pork. Since then, the monument has become one of the most famous images of the town and one of the favourite games of children who have a lot of fun "riding" it.

Attention A bronze pig that runs through the town centre



Terramara di Montale

Un museo all'aria aperta dove vivere l'Età del Bronzo

terre di castelli castelnuovo rangone musa museo della salumeria wall luoghi eventi

Museo della Salumeria – a unique museum for a delightful experience!

Parco Sandro Pertini, Castelnuovo Rangone

Un parco dove la storia si mescola ai fumetti

tdc holder 800x800 castelnuovo parco lennon 02

Castelnuovo Rangone has many green areas where you can relax and stroll. Some, such as Parco Rio Gamberi and Parco Sandro Pertini have a connection with art. Others have very special names, such as Parco Jonh Lennon and Parco Il Giovane Holden, located a few hundred metres from each other.