Sulle Colline di Castelvetro un antico Oratorio con vista mozzafiato
The Oratorio di San Michele Arcangelo (Oratory of Saint Michael the Archangel) is located halfway between Castelvetro and Levizzano, from which a fascinating view over the hills and Lambrusco Grasparossa vineyards can be enjoyed. According to academics, it dates to the second half of the twelfth century.
Recently restored, the oratory has parts of the original masonry in standard sandstone blocks. The simple architecture, composed of a rectangular room, now without an apse, contrasts with the decoration of the façade and of the portal on the right side.
The façade is divided into two sectors by a series of hanging arches. The archivolt of the portal is decorated with a network of palmettes and rather fragmented ribbons and is supported by two columns with foliage capitals. In the middle one there is a glimpse of a head, the only one left of two that presumably should have decorated the upper part.
Inside is now rather bare. The only ornament present consists of six frescoed figures depicting saints. St. James, with his pilgrim’s staff, St. John the Baptist covered with hides and Mary Magdalene with her long hair covering her like a robe can be recognised among them.
L'oratorio è visitabile da marzo ad ottobre nei sabati e domeniche di bel tempo, dalle 9.00 alle 18.00