Civic museum of ecology and natural history


Civic museum of ecology and natural history

Il Museo Civico di Ecologia e Storia Naturale di Marano sul Panaro è nato nel 1994 e oggi è gestito da CISNIAR ONLUS. 

The Museo Civico di Ecologia e Storia Naturale di Marano sul Panaro was opened in 1994 and is managed today by volunteers from the CISNIAR ONLUS association. It houses several collections of historical interest, especially zoologoical but also geo-palaentological, botanical, mycological and lichenological.

The exhibition rooms, divided up according to subject matter, present the main naturalistic and ecological aspects of the the area’s environment. Wetland, grassland, hypogeal, woodland and rocky land are explained with glass cases and landscape models.

Didactic material, scientific instrumentation and the variety of naturalistic texts and periodicals in the library make the Museum an important reference point for the School. The structure also provides an information and consultancy service on the main environmental and naturalistic aspects of the Modenese countryside.

useful information


Domenica dalle 15.00 alle 18.00. 

Chiuso: da giugno ad agosto, feste religiose e nazionali

Visite nei giorni feriali, solo su prenotazione.

Discover all the secrets of the area’s natural history

