

Un Borgo a "saliscendi" con vista sulle montagne

Montalbano has always been a “sloping land” village, perhaps because the houses of the ancient village practically climb vertically along the southern wall of Monte della Riva.

The village has kept the charm of the old fort intact, with the ups and downs of alleys, the eighteenth-century church of Santa Maria Assunta and the adjacent vicarage from which the seventeenth-century bell tower rises. The San Michele settlement, the Oratory of San Filippo Neri and the Oratory of the Beata Vergine del Rosario of Via Piana are also interesting.

The surrounding panoramic view is wonderful. To the north, dense forests rise up along the Riva; to the south, one can see beyond the valley of Rio Missano all the way to the ridge of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines dominated by the Corno alle Scale and by Monte Cimone.

Attention An “up and down” village with a view over the mountains


Montanaro Holder

Production and sale of local products in the Appennines

home righetti

The Ferramenta Righetti was founded in Zocca in 1911.


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Una borgata storica immersa nei boschi di Zocca

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Rosola è un Borgo del Comune di Zocca molto ben conservato che si raccoglie attorno alla Torre Rangoni Machiavelli.

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Un fortilizio medievale che domina il paesaggio

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Una chiesa antica che custodisce un raro polittico