Two parks dedicated to John Lennon and The Young Holden


Castelnuovo Rangone has many green areas where you can relax and stroll. Some, such as Parco Rio Gamberi and Parco Sandro Pertini have a connection with art. Others have very special names, such as Parco Jonh Lennon and Parco Il Giovane Holden, located a few hundred metres from each other.

Parco John Lennon

Parco John Lennon is the first public area in Italy dedicated to this great character. "Poet, musician and pacifist", Lennon is still a living figure and able to speak to millions of people about the values ​​of peace and imagination.

The park was opened on 8 December 1985 and since then it has been a venue every year for concerts, cultural initiatives and events. In 1998, a life-size statue of the musician was placed inside it. Since 2016 it has been the place for the Summer Cinema.


Parco Il Giovane Holden

Opened in February 1999, it is a small green area not far from Parco John Lennon. It has been furnished with wooden tables and benches and an eye level reproduction of the cover, the first page and last page of the novel “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger. The green area named after young Holden, the protagonist of Salinger’s novel is a meeting and “reading” park aimed mainly at teenagers and young people and is an invitation to read and familiarise with books.

Attention Two parks dedicated to culture



terre di castelli castelnuovo rangone le chiese di castelnuovo e dintorni wall luoghi eventi

Un viaggio fra le chiese storiche del territorio di Castelnuovo Rangone

terre di castelli castelnuovo rangone statua del maialino wall luoghi eventi

Un maialino in bronzo che corre nel cuore del paese

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Una ciclo-pedonale dedicata ai principi basilari della Costituzione

CRAC Spazio Arte, Castelnuovo Rangone

The civic tower of Castelnuovo Rangone, called Torrione, dates to the 15th century and is the main monument of the town. It is a testimony to the ancient castle built here in the tenth century.

The civic tower of Castelnuovo Rangone, called Torrione, dates to the 15th century and is the main monument of the town. It is a testimony to the ancient castle built here in the tenth century.