Passeggiata della Costituzione


Una ciclo-pedonale dedicata ai principi basilari della Costituzione

The Passeggiata della Costituzione (The Constitution Walk) is a cycle-pedestrian route that connects Castelnuovo and Montale. The naming of the route to the constitutional map dates to 2008. There are signs along the “Passeggiata” with the 12 articles of the fundamental principles and the congratulatory message of President Napolitano for the initiative. On 25 April, the lower middle school classes walk along the Constitution Walk, stopping for a collective reading of the articles shown on the signs.

Attention A cycle-pedestrian route dedicated to the main principles of the Constitution



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Castelnuovo Rangone has many green areas where you can relax and stroll. Some, such as Parco Rio Gamberi and Parco Sandro Pertini have a connection with art. Others have very special names, such as Parco Jonh Lennon and Parco Il Giovane Holden, located a few hundred metres from each other.

Torrione e Mura del centro storico di Castelnuovo Rangonelnuovo Rangone, tdc holder 800x800 castelnuovo centro storico 04

The civic tower of Castelnuovo Rangone, called Torrione, dates to the 15th century and is the main monument of the town. It is a testimony to the ancient castle built here in the tenth century.

The civic tower of Castelnuovo Rangone, called Torrione, dates to the 15th century and is the main monument of the town. It is a testimony to the ancient castle built here in the tenth century.

terre di castelli castelnuovo rangone le chiese di castelnuovo e dintorni wall luoghi eventi

Un viaggio fra le chiese storiche del territorio di Castelnuovo Rangone

terre di castelli castelnuovo rangone il pozzo ritrovato wall luoghi eventi

Un pozzo leggendario riemerso dal passato