Azienda Agricola Mandria Vecchia


Production of native wine as Pignoletto, Barbera and Lambrusco

The origins of Azienda Agricola Vitivinicola Mandria Vecchia are very ancient. In fact, some traces of it have been discovered on medieval maps as well as the street where the farm was located, which was named after it.

In the last 30 years the farm has been converted to an exclusive wine production because of three favourable factors: the ground, the exposition and the altitude. In addition, the farm is located in an area that allows pleasant walks, immersed in a great calm and in a variegated environment: it is possible to pass from a rural landscape to the badlands or the wood in a blink of an eye.

Regarding the hectares, 9 out of 23 of them are cultivated with vineyards and are included in the DOC area Colli Bolognesi. The native wines, PignolettoBarbera and Lambrusco, are those that better express themselves. Wine are directly sold to the clients, privileging a direct relation and the dialogue with them.

Attention Azienda Agricola Mandria Vecchia is specialized in the production of Pignoletto, Barbera and Lambrusco



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Authentic flavors come alive in juices, compotes, mousses and sauces stricly bio!

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An agritourism where all the attentions are for the guests

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For over a century our vineyards have produced excellent wine right from the heart of Italy, the passion for viticulture led us to dedicate brand new energies to valorize the product of our territory.

For over a century our vineyards have produced excellent wine right from the heart of Italy, the passion for viticulture led us to dedicate brand new energies to valorize the product of our territory.


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La Venere di Savignano e un esemplare di Elefante Mammuthus: sono questi i protagonisti attorno a cui ruotano i due musei di Savignano sul Panaro. Entrambi sono legati a ritrovamenti archeologici fatti nella zona, popolata fin da tempi antichissimi.

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Il Graziosi artista e il Mosaico Riscoperto

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Una chiesa storica nel punto più alto del Borgo Storico di Savignano

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La Via delle Querce è un itinerario che si snoda nella zona collinare di Savignano sul Panaro e che fiancheggia a sud-est la strada statale Bazzanese.

La Via delle Querce è un itinerario che si snoda nella zona collinare di Savignano sul Panaro e che fiancheggia a sud-est la strada statale Bazzanese.