

A young family-business farm where wine and hospitality join to create a dynamic and modern vision.

The estate of the Ca’ Montanari Farm was started in 2002 (hence the name Opera 02) among the gentle hills of Levizzano Rangone.

Ca’ Montanari is not only wine because it produces also the precious Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.  Ca' Montanari is a wonderful low environmental impact resort where it is possible to relax and taste traditional local dishes of the restaurant, respecting the natural cycle of seasons. So, the winery has many aspects and and here Mattia Montanari goes on thanks to his strength, passion and vitality.

Opera 02 - Ca’ Montanari's vines develop on 21 hectares, treated following the organic agricultural practices. The main vines are the Lambrusco, Grasparossa and Salamino varieties. A small amounts of Malbo Gentile, Fiano, Trebbiano di Modena and Moscato are also cultivated. Mattia himself takes care of the vines and follows the production of wine in the cellar along with his coworkers, always being careful to every detail.

Attention Wine, Vinegar and traditional flavours, in a wonderful low environmental impact resort


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Located in a rich land, the farm Boni Romano is a Vinegar Cellar and a permanent exhibition, sales the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and local products and offers the possibility of tasting them in typical modenese settings

Located in a rich land, the farm Boni Romano is a Vinegar Cellar and a permanent exhibition, sales the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and local products and offers the possibility of tasting them in typical modenese settings

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Acetaia La Vecchia Dispensa is located a few kilometres away from Modena, in the historical centre of Castelvetro

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Wine and Balsamic Vinegar production in Castelvetro di Modena

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Family run company with production of wine and Balsamic Vinegar

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Bed and Breakfast Nanni is the ideal choice for brief business staying or food and wine tour

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Room & Breakfast immersed in the hilly landscape of Modena

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Zoello Je Suis Hotel is located at the foot of the green hills of Castelvetro, a medieval village which is the homeland of Lambrusco Grasparossa and Balsamic Vinegar.

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Castello di Vetro to live the essence of the old burg.

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Boutique Hotel and restaurant in the historical centre of Castelvetro


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Un raro esempio di cimitero napoleonico

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Testimonianza del rinascimento a Castelvetro

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Un antico Castello con vista sulle colline

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Un santuario barocco affacciato sulle colline di Castelvetro