Denzano and Villabianca


Nei pressi di Marano sul Panaro si trovano storici abitati immersi nella natura.

On the hills which surround Marano sul Panaro, there are two settlements completely surrounded by nature.


Only 7 km from the village, on a broom covered hillside, you will find Denzano. In former times, it was home to a castle of which only a square plan tower remains, that dating back to the year 1000. The tower is around 15 metres tall and is made of mixed materials from the surrounding area which is rich in clay deposits.The area conceals surprises for mineralology enthusiasts. On two sides of the hill, gypsum crystals can be found which are of near perfect conformity.

Until medieval times, there was a parish church dedicated to the Assumption inside the castle. Only the apse of the original building remains, dating back the 12th Century and built in the image of the famous design of Modena Cathedral, a precious testimony to the Romanesque style in the Appennines. It is also believed that a student of the school of Lanfranco, (who was the architect of Modena Cathedral) worked on the church in Denzano.

The interior of the church was refurbished at the beginning of the 1600s. There is still an exquisite baptismal font in sandstone dating back to the 1500s and a precious organ from the 1700s and altar antependia made of scagliola.


Villabianca lies close to Denzano and can be reached by foot on path 412. The town is found in records dating from the 10th Century and boasts a splendid view over Valle del Panaro and the ravines. Points of interest include Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Geminiano, which houses a copy of a painting by Guercino and Casa Bernabei, a courtly estate where an ancient Roman well and furnace were found.

Attention Two historical villages surrounded by nature


poggio home

The company is located in an enchanting natural frame in Villabianca and produces excellent fermented wine in bottle

locanda marcella holder

A little spot of paradise among the hills of Modena


terre di castelli marano sul panaro il museo delle energie wall luoghi eventi

Il Museo delle Energie ha sede presso l’ex Mulino Montecuccoli, in seguito trasformato in una centralina ENEL.

tdc holder 800x800 marano villa montecuccoli

La residenza di campagna dei nobili Montecuccoli

tdc holder 800x800 marano ospitaletto

Ospitaletto è una località nei pressi di Rodiano, nel comune di Marano, che deve il suo nome all’antico Hospitale di Garamola.

Ospitaletto è una località nei pressi di Rodiano, nel comune di Marano, che deve il suo nome all’antico Hospitale di Garamola.

terre di castelli marano sul panaro festa e casona wall luoghi eventi

Fra gli insediamenti storici immersi nella natura del territorio di Marano sul Panaro, si trovano Festà e Casona, a pochi chilometri di distanza l’una dall’altra. Non solo luoghi di interesse storico, ma anche punti di partenza per passeggiate ed escursioni

Fra gli insediamenti storici immersi nella natura del territorio di Marano sul Panaro, si trovano Festà e Casona, a pochi chilometri di distanza l’una dall’altra. Non solo luoghi di interesse storico, ma anche punti di partenza per passeggiate ed escursioni