Un evento dedicato al prodotto tipico di Zocca: la castagna.

The Chestnut Festival is held in Zocca on the first thee Sundays in October. On this occasion, Zocca becomes a chestnut-flavoured market-exhibition. Numerous food stalls, a craft market and a second-hand market are set up along the streets of the town centre, all accompanied by music and entertainment for adults and children.

The Festival underlines once again the link between Zocca and the chestnut production, already evident in the territory with the presence of a centuries-old chestnut grove and a particular Chestnut Museum with an indoor and outdoor educational path.

Attention An event dedicated to the typical product of Zocca: the chestnut


Montanaro Holder

Production and sale of local products in the Appennines

home righetti

The Ferramenta Righetti was founded in Zocca in 1911.


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Un complesso rurale nei boschi di Zocca

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Un piccolo borgo alle porte di Zocca

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Una borgata storica immersa nei boschi di Zocca

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Una chiesa nel cuore di Zocca