
Vignola is the headquarters of the Terre di Castelli Union and, with its 25,000 inhabitants, it is the most populous town. In 1993 it received the title of city. The etymology of its name is linked to wine production: it comes from the Latin "vineola" that refers to the vines. But the main resource is made up of cherries, whose "black" variety is a typical product grown in the territory. Vignola also gave birth to famous people such as the architect Jacopo Barozzi in 1507 and the historian Ludovico Antonio Muratori in 1672. 

Despite the Roman name, the area of Vignola has been occupied since ancient times by people such as Etruscans and Galli. In 826 we have the first written testimony regarding the town. In the medieval period Vignola develops as a Castle, built to act as a sentinel on the Via Claudia and the Panaro river. The fief remained under the dominion of the bishop of Modena until 1247 and then passed under the Contrari family, who held it for two centuries, and finally passed under the Boncompagni family. The Fortress that we see today is not the original one, but is the result of a reconstruction of the fifteenth century, when Vignola was under the Contrari family dominion.


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of the Town of Vignola!

mappa vignola




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Un palazzo rinascimentale con una scala che sfida le regole dell'architettura

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Produzione di Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale e Agromela

terre di castelli vignola borgo di campiglio wall luoghi eventi

Un antico Borgo con vista sulla Valle del Panaro

Casa Natale e Salotto Antonio Muratori 1 ph Nacchio Brothers

Un luogo che parla di storia e arte

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Uno scrigno di dipinti e opere d'arte nel Centro Storico di Vignola

Giardini Galvani, Vignola

Il Giardino pensile di casa Galvani si trova in Via Soli sulle mura che cingevano l'antico castello di Vignola sul versante settentrionale.

Il Giardino pensile di casa Galvani si trova in Via Soli sulle mura che cingevano l'antico castello di Vignola sul versante settentrionale.

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Una passeggiata fra i monumenti del centro di Vignola

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Due percorsi: geo-mineralogico e paleontologico per scoprire la storia della Valle del Panaro

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Una collezione di macchine del cinema uniche nel suo genere

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Il cuore storico e culturale di Vignola

Vignola Rocca di Vignola 1 ph Nacchio Brothers

Il simbolo storico e culturale di Vignola

Santuario Madonna della Pieve, Vignolagnola pieve 05

Un Santuario che affonda le radici nell'Alto Medioevo e testimonia un legame profondo con la popolazione


esperienze acetaia dei bago

The company “fondo la vittoria”, created by the current owner ‘s grandfather, was born in the early 1900 in the fertile hilly lands of Vignola, in the geographic area between Vignola and Spilamberto.

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Caffè Terzi Vignola is one of the few, perhaps the only "Caffè Pura" in Italy. 

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The Ripa di Sotto farm is a typical family run farm situated in the “basse” or “cherry valley”
the ideal territory for the production of the Ciliegie di Vignola.

The Ripa di Sotto farm is a typical family run farm situated in the “basse” or “cherry valley”
the ideal territory for the production of the Ciliegie di Vignola.