
La “Lotta per la spada dei Contrari” è una rievocazione che si svolge ogni anno nel borgo storico di Savignano sul Panaro.

The “Battle for the Contrari sword” is a re-enactment that takes place every year in the historic village of Savignano sul Panaro, organized by the non-profit association Borgo Castello Onlus. The event brings a 1409 event back to life: the donation of the fief of Savignano by the Marquis Niccolò III d’Este to his captain Uguccione dei Contrari. The latter, lord of Vignola, had in fact conquered the fief by snatching it from the Savignani family.

The visual impact of the village celebrating is remarkable during the event. Not only can you attend the court of the Marquis d’Este in full force, but also shows, duels, medieval markets with craftsmen, the military camp and the birds of prey corner. Great care is taken with the reenactors’ costumes – dames, knights, jesters, wayfarers – and in the demonstrations of how families and soldiers once lived, how they cooked food and how they built their weapons.

The Palio is the main event that characterizes the two days of “The Battle of the Contrari”. The six contradas of the town compete against each other in games of ability and strength: the winning contrada wins the “Sword of the Contrari”. Entrance to the re-enactment, the Palio and all the shows is free of charge. During the event, it is possible to dine with typical products in the 13 inns that are dotted around the town.

Attention A historical re-enactment and a Palio that involves the six contradas of Savignano sul Panaro


punto verde holder

Authentic flavors come alive in juices, compotes, mousses and sauces stricly bio!

tdc holder 800x800 mandria vecchia

Production of native wine as Pignoletto, Barbera and Lambrusco

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B&B with a medieval charm

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Pizzeria with mixture of low calorie flour full of fibers


Casa Toschi, the world of Toschi at 360°.

holder la formica

Hotel with restaurant in Savignano sul Panaro


An agritourism where all the attentions are for the guests

fiorini 500

For over a century our vineyards have produced excellent wine right from the heart of Italy, the passion for viticulture led us to dedicate brand new energies to valorize the product of our territory.

For over a century our vineyards have produced excellent wine right from the heart of Italy, the passion for viticulture led us to dedicate brand new energies to valorize the product of our territory.


terre di castelli savignano sul panaro chiesa santa maria assunta wall luoghi eventi

Una chiesa storica nel punto più alto del Borgo Storico di Savignano

borgo savignano di Nacchios Brothers

Un Borgo ben conservato e ricco di storia

terre di castelli savignano sul panaro la venere wall luoghi eventi

La Venere di Savignano e un esemplare di Elefante Mammuthus: sono questi i protagonisti attorno a cui ruotano i due musei di Savignano sul Panaro. Entrambi sono legati a ritrovamenti archeologici fatti nella zona, popolata fin da tempi antichissimi.

Savignano sul Panaro Casa natale Giuseppe Graziosi 2 ph Nacchio Brothers

Il Graziosi artista e il Mosaico Riscoperto